User Manual

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Theoretical Background

Active-learning machine-operated molecular dynamics (ALmoMD) is a Python code package designed for the effective training of machine learned interatomic potential (MLIP) through active learning based on uncertainty evaluation. It also facilitates the implementation of molecular dynamics (MD) using trained MLIPs with uncertainty evaluation.

Uncertainty Evaluation

Uncertainty evaluation
Figure 1. (Left) Various models can be trained using the Subsampling and Deep Ensemble methods. (Right) The disparity in their predictions can be quantified by calculating their standard deviation, which serves as a measure of uncertainty.

In ALmoMD, uncertainty refers to the prediction uncertainty of a group of trained models, which can be obtained through three distinct training methods [1]. First, each model can be trained with the same number of different training data (Subsampling). Second, each model can be trained with different random initializations of the machine learning model but the same training data (Deep Ensemble). Lastly, each model can be trained using different machine learning techniques. In each case, as displayed in Fig. 1, these models provide a range of different predictions, and their standard deviation indicates the degree of uncertainty, which is used in active learning. ALmoMD combines Subsampling and Deep Ensemble methods to determine this uncertainty.

CuI exmaple
Figure 2. (Left) The anharmonicity trajectory of CuI from _ab initio_ MD. Defect creation happens around 38 ps, which yields a jump of anharmonicity. This figure is utilized with acknowledgment from [3]. (Right) When MLIP is only trained with data less than 30 ps (green trajectory), MLIP cannot be trained with states with a defect in purple trajectory, which makes large spikes in errors and uncertainties of forces.

We note that there are significant concerns regarding the use of uncertainty in global phase predictions, as raised by both the Zipoli group [1] and Scheffler group [2]. However, in ALmoMD, we utilize uncertainty to qualitatively identify cases when the models go beyond their trained domain, enabling us to determine where additional model training is necessary. For instance, consider CuI [3], which exhibits a rare dynamical event involving defect creation, as illustrated in Fig. 2. Due to the challenging nature of ab initio MD, there’s a possibility of terminating it before experiencing this event, for example, at 30 ps. In such cases, we train the MLIP using only the green trajectory of anharmonicity [4] shown in Fig. 2. When we subsequently test these trained models with the purple trajectory, which includes states with defects, it results in significant spikes in errors and uncertainties (as seen in the forces in Fig. 2). Therefore, we can qualitatively employ uncertainty as a means of identifying when MD departs from its trained regime.

Active Learning Scheme

Criteria plot
Figure 3. The pink distribution displays a Gaussian distribution. Samples are accepted (Left) when their uncertainty is nearly two times the standard deviation away from the average uncertainty of testing data and (Right) when their potential energy is not significantly higher than the average potential energy of testing data.

ALmoMD facilitates the qualitative identification of uncertainty to sample the next round of training data. Uncertainty can be evaluated in terms of potential energy, forces on atoms, and the degree of anharmonicity. Particularly for forces, uncertainty can be determined as either its average or its maximum value. On the other hand, ALmoMD rejects candidate data when it exhibits excessive potential energy, which is unphysical. This can occur when using molecular dynamics with poorly trained MLIP, leading to a flawed trajectory. In detail, ALmoMD employs two soft criteria concerning uncertainty and potential energy. First, the probability criterion for uncertainty is defined as follows:

Uncertainty equation

where $\bar{U}$ and $\sigma^{U}$ represent the average and standard deviation of the uncertainty in the testing data. This equation is based on an accumulated Gaussian distribution. Second, the probability criterion for potential energy is defined as follows:

Potential energy equation

where $\bar{E}$ and $\sigma^{E}$ represent the average and standard deviation of the potential energy in the testing data. This equation originates from the probability of the canonical ensemble.

Active learning scheme
Figure 4. (Left) New data (light blue and purple points) are obtained from molecular dynamics using MLIP. The error bars indicate their uncertainty. Since the purple points exhibit high uncertainty, they are selected for the next round of training data, and their energies are subsequently corrected through DFT calculations (pink points). (Right) Retraining with additional samples from the active learning process will yield a more reliable MLIP, which can be iteratively improved.

Once next round of training data with high uncertainty are sampled, they go through DFT calculations and they are added to previous list of training data. Then, prediction of newly trained model will provide corrected potential energy surface. This active learning is implemented iteratively, and each iterative step will give more reliable prediction.

Key Summary

The key advantage of ALmoMD is

